mardi 2 décembre 2014

Donner du sang ou avoir des rapports sexuels: un choix pour les gais?

La FDA (Food and Drug Administration) souhaite revoir les pratiques qui interdisent aux gains de donner du sang depuis une trentaine d'années, soit depuis la panique entourant la propagation du sida. Ce ne sont cependant pas tous les gais qui pourraient maintenant le faire, uniquement ceux qui se sont abstenus douze mois avant d'effectuer un don de sang. Certains considèrent cette nouvelle politique comme un bon point de départ alors que d'autres s'indignent du rejet de plusieurs donneurs dont on pourrait maintenant vérifier s'ils sont porteur du VIH.

 "Some gay rights groups seem willing to accept the yearlong restriction as a reasonable starting point—a positive change that could lay the foundation for a better policy down the road. "The policies that are in place, the lifetime ban, perpetuates negative stereotypes and stigma," says Ryan James Yezak, founder of the National Gay Blood Drive. "It assumes that all gay and bisexual men are likely to have HIV and therefore must be blanket banned. And that's just not necessary in this day and age when they have the testing and other countries have moved to deferral time period."

Yezak started his group, which holds annual blood drives to highlight the number of gay men interested in donating, after he'd tried to give blood for coworkers after a natural disaster in Tennessee, only to realize that the rules barred him from helping. "I thought it was just absurd," he says. "It really felt like discrimination. I had never felt that before, directly impacted by a law or policy when it didn't feel like it was justified."

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