samedi 6 décembre 2014

Université de Virginie et viol collectif: l'histoire bat de l'aile et le Rolling Stone doit s'expliquer

Quelques jours après avoir rapporté l'histoire d'un viol collectif et pointé du doigt les autorités de l'université, le Rolling Stone magazine s'est excusé pour sa gestion de cette histoire. Après la publication de l'article, on reprochait à l'équipe du Rolling Stone de n'avoir rapporté que les propos de la présumée victime et voilà qu'on apprend qu'il y a des failles importantes dans le récit de celle-ci.Peu importe l'issue de cette controverse, cela n'augure rien de bon pour les autres victimes sincères qui hésitent déjà à rapporter leur histoire...

 "The U-Va. fraternity where the attack was alleged to have occurred has said it has been working with police and has concluded that the allegations are untrue. Among other things, the fraternity said there was no event at the house the night the attack was alleged to have happened.

A group of Jackie’s close friends, who are advocates at U-Va. for sex-assault awareness, said they believe that something traumatic happened to her, but they also have come to doubt her account. A student who came to Jackie’s aid the night of the alleged attack said in an interview late Friday night that she did not appear physically injured at the time but was visibly shaken and told him and two other friends that she had been at a fraternity party and had been forced to have oral sex with a group of men. They offered to get her help and she said she just wanted to return to her dorm, said the student, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject."

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