lundi 22 février 2016

"Il faut arrêter Trump" (Danielle Allen, Harvard)

Est-il trop tard?

 L'auteure fait un détour par les écrits de Hannah Arendt et la montée du régime d'Adolph Hitler. Trump n'est pas Hitler, mais l'attitude de certains face à sa "montée" ofre des points de comparaison intéressants.

 "Trump is rising by taking advantage of a divided country. The truth is that the vast majority of voting Americans think that Trump is unacceptable as a presidential candidate, but we are split by strong partisan ideologies and cannot coordinate a solution to stop him. Similarly, a significant part of voting Republicans think that Trump is unacceptable, but they too, thus far, have been unable to coordinate a solution. Trump is exploiting the fact that we cannot unite across our ideological divides.

The only way to stop him, then, is to achieve just that kind of coordination across party lines and across divisions within parties. We have reached that moment of truth.

Republicans, you cannot count on the Democrats to stop Trump. I believe that Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination, and I intend to vote for her, but it is also the case that she is a candidate with significant weaknesses, as your party knows quite well. The result of a head-to-head contest between Clinton and Trump would be unpredictable. Trump has to be blocked in your primary."

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