vendredi 26 février 2016

Marco Rubio hausse le ton, mais est-ce trop tard?

Marco Rubio a été beaucoup plus agressif à l'endroit de Donald Trump pendant le débat hier. Je vous laisse trois liens pour des analyses du Washington Post. Rubio a-t-il attendu trop longtemps? A-t-il assez de temps pour freiner l'élan du milliardaire?

 "Rubio used his opening statement to issue an implicit attack on Trump. He argued that what Republicans need is a nominee who would carry both the conservatism and the optimism of former president Ronald Reagan into the general election, rather than “a party that preys on people’s angers and fears.”

That was only the start. Within minutes, he had charged Trump with building Trump Tower with illegal immigrants, of running “a fake university” and of becoming wealthy by inheriting a fortune.

“If he hadn’t inherited $200 million, you know where Donald Trump would be right now?” Rubio asked. “Selling watches.”

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