mercredi 24 février 2016

Trump écrase la concurrence et annonce que la course sera de courte durée

Troisième victoire pour Trump qui tentera de maintenir la cadence mardi prochain lors du "Super tuesday". Pour Cruz et Rubio ce sera la journée la plus importante de la course jusqu'à maintenant.

 "He concluded his victory over the rest of the Republican Party was only a matter of time -- and not much time at that.

“It’s going to be an amazing two months,” said Trump, flanked by his two adult sons, his campaign manager, his press secretary and his Nevada state director. “We might not even need the two months, folks, to be honest.”

Visualizing his conquest in detail, Trump name-checked the home states of his three remaining serious rivals as he hailed polling in primaries set for March 1 and the two big winner-take-all contests set for March 15."

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