mardi 23 février 2016

Julian Castro: vice-présidence ou chômage?

Il n'est pas impossible qu'Hillary Clinton fasse de Julian Castro son colistier. Considérant les origines de Castro, on peut penser qu'elle le choisirait surtout si elle devait affronter Marco Rubio. Castro est une des vedettes montantes des démocrates et même si Mme Clinton ne retenait pas ses services, on risque que de le revoir en politique fédérale.

 "Sure, he’s thought about the possibility of being picked as Hillary Clinton’s running mate on the Democratic ticket. How could he not? What with the “Ready for Julián?” and “Castro is in VP Training Camp” headlines percolating out of the political press. Even Stephen Colbert tried to trick the 41-year-old secretary of housing and urban development into saying he wanted to be vice president in a recent late-night appearance.

And it’s not that he’s ashamed of his ambition. You don’t run for mayor of San Antonio at 30 or become the youngest member of President Obama’s Cabinet without having a healthy ego. But running for vice president, if it’s even possible for someone to run, is different. If Castro dares show too much interest, he looks desperate and his chances evaporate. Looking uninterested, however, is also not an option."

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