vendredi 2 septembre 2016

Le livre imprimé toujours plus populaire que le livre digital (Pew Research Center)

Je m'autorise un petit détour hors de la campagne 2016 pour relayer cette enquête du Pew Research Center sur thème que je privilégie comme professeur d'histoire.

 "Americans today have an enormous variety of content available to them at any time of day, and this material is available in a number of formats and through a range of digitally connected devices. Yet even as the number of ways people spend their time has expanded, a Pew Research Center survey finds that the share of Americans who have read a book in the last 12 months (73%) has remained largely unchanged since 2012. And when people reach for a book, it is much more likely to be a traditional print book than a digital product. Fully 65% of Americans have read a print book in the last year, more than double the share that has read an e-book (28%) and more than four times the share that has consumed book content via audio book (14%)."

 La totalité des résultats:

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