samedi 3 septembre 2016

Les États-Unis et la Chine ratifient l'Accord de Paris sur le climat

Un mauvaise nouvelle pour la campagne de Donald Trump? L'accord pourrait entrer en vigueur avant la fin de la présidence Obama.

 "The move represents a major development for the agreement itself and for Obama, because it makes it more likely the accord could enter into force sometime this year — while Obama is still president. Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump has vowed to scrap the deal if he is elected.

 If Hillary Clinton is elected in November, she is expected to continue Obama’s climate policies and to begin implementing the Paris climate agreement immediately. The accord calls on each nation to live up to a pledge that it has submitted to the United Nations to reduce its emissions — in the U.S.’s case, by 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by the year 2025."

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