jeudi 1 septembre 2016

Les partisans hispanophones de Trump désertent après le discours

Plusieurs espéraient encore un "Trump nouveau" sur la question de l'immigration. Après le discours d'hier soir en Arizona, ils sont nombreux baisser les bras et tourner le dos.

 "Latino conservatives thought there was a real chance that Trump might genuinely moderate on the issue, Aguilar said, perhaps by declaring himself open to some form of expedited path to legal status for those undocumented immigrants who leave the country and return. But in his speech last night, Trump flatly ruled out any such expedited pathway.

To Latino conservatives, there is no doubt about the true intentions of Trump’s speech, even though there are still a few observers here and there who continue to suggest that he somehow softened his approach yesterday. Trump stopped using the words “deportation force,” but he nonetheless made it absolutely clear that maximum deportations and stepped up enforcement are his guiding priorities, and also left no doubt that there simply isn’t any meaningful path to assimilation in Trump’s vision."

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