samedi 3 septembre 2016

Mère Thérésa est-elle une sainte? (CNN)

Le Pape François fera bientôt de Mère Thérésa une sainte. Cet article sur le site de CNN présente les réserves de certains opposants à la canonisation.

 "Even her path to sainthood has been controversial.

To become a saint, Pope Francis had to approve two miracles. One of them involved a rural woman, Monica Besra, who claims she was cured of cancer after praying to Mother Teresa.

Monica says she was cured by Mother Teresa's blessings and not by doctor's treatment.

"I took doctors' medicines, threw up and was in a lot of pain. But when I prayed to Mother Teresa from my heart, Mother Teresa blessed me and now I am healthy," she told CNN. "My entire village and I am very happy that she is being made a saint."

However, critics dispute this version of events — they say it was modern medicine and not a miracle that healed her. And some doctors claim her tumor was a cyst caused by tuberculosis, rather than a cancerous tumor.

"Our organization does not believe in any kind of miracle," Prabir Ghosh, General Secretary of Science and Rationalists' Association of India, told CNN."

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