dimanche 4 septembre 2016

Rudy Giulani a-t-il perdu la tête?

Pour bien des gens à l'extérieur des États-Unis Rudy Giuliani demeure le Maire de New York, celui qui le 11 septembre 2001 retroussait les manches et marchait courageusement vers les décombres des tours jumelles du World Trade Center après l'attaque des terroristes. Ce même Giuliani s'est rangé derrière Donald Trump pour la campagne 2016 et il multiplie les déclarations controversées. Le Giuliani de 2016 est-il bien différent de celui 2001? Oui et non, on a tendance a oublié qu'avant les attaques de 2001 Giuliani n'était pas étranger à la controverse et à la provocation.

 "It might seem like this summer has marked a sad break with that old Rudy, or proved him a sellout. But if you’ve followed Giuliani’s career, in fact it’s clear he swallowed the whole Trump persona many years ago—the race-baiting, the law-and-order pose, the incessant lying used to both steal credit and avoid responsibility. What we’re seeing this summer isn’t a crackup: It’s the inevitable, supernova explosion of what long ago became one of the most toxic and overrated political careers in our history. It’s tempting to count the 72-year-old Giuliani one more addition to the Island of Misfit Toys that Trump has gathered around him—another one of the political relics who, seeking to restore relevance, have found themselves denatured by the strange public power of Trump. But a better way to see it might be as a man seizing the star turn he never quite got—grabbing time in slow stretches of the campaign to stand on the national stage and play the role that was supposed to be his, exactly the way he thinks it should be played."


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