mardi 27 décembre 2016

Pearl Harbor: Abe, Obama et l'ombre de Donald Trump

Le premier Ministre japonais Abe et le Président Obama se retrouvent à Pearl Harbor aujourd'hui pour les commémorations du 75e anniversaire de l'attaque japonaise qui allait provoquer l'entrée des troupes américaines dans la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale. Obama avait visité Hiroshima un peu plus tôt cette année et il espérait atténuer les tensions. Le contenu des gazouillis du nouveau Président américain risque de ruiner ses efforts.

 "But as the two leaders pay homage to the 2,403 Americans who died in the surprise Japanese attack on Dec. 7, 1941, the geopolitical backdrop for the event has been clouded by President-elect Donald Trump’s pugnacious and unpredictable foreign-policy pronouncements. During the campaign, Trump raised alarms in both countries when he questioned the value of the U.S. military’s basing agreements in Japan and suggested the island nation consider developing its own nuclear weapons.

Abe is set to become the first Japanese leader to take part in a ceremony at the USS Arizona Memorial, which honors the American sailors and Marines who perished aboard the battleship 75 years ago. The trip, in the works before Trump’s election last month, is intended as a symbolic bookend to Obama’s visit in May to Hiroshima, where the United States deployed the world’s first atomic bomb."

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