mercredi 15 février 2017

La crédibilité de l'administration Trump sérieusement ébranlée

Un autre article qui tend à démontrer que la démission de Michael Flynn n'est que la pointe de l'iceberg. Les enquêtes de plusieurs réseaux et médias pointent vers les mêmes conclusions.

 "Flynn’s departure has lent new gravity and intensity to long-simmering questions about Trump and Russia. “There was already a cloud hanging over the administration when it comes to Russia, and this darkens the cloud,” said Eliot Cohen, who served as an adviser to the George W. Bush administration and has been a vocal Trump critic. “This is serious.”

 That quote comes from a broader piece by Roz Helderman and Tom Hamburger on Trump’s long-term fixation on and admiration for Vladimir Putin, a brutal authoritarian strongman: “By the way, I really like Vladimir Putin,” Trump told the Russian-language magazine Chayka in 2008 as he debuted a new Trump-branded New York City condo project that was catering in part to Russian buyers. “I respect him. He does his job well. Much better than our Bush.”

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