jeudi 27 avril 2017

Hillary et le 100 jours: et si ...

Et si Hillary avait gagné? Un "paradis" pour les Démocrates? Un exercice à la limite de la futilité puisqu'on ne saura jamais, mais la situation aurait été particulièrement complexe au Congrès et le clan Clinton avait ses propres squelettes dans le placard...

 Voici un des exemples du "scénario" imaginé par l'auteur de cet article:

 "Day 100:

WikiLeaks releases transcripts of Bill Clinton’s speeches before private industry groups in which he says, “I’m basically a Republican these days” and mocks a single-payer heath care plan similar to one his wife now champions. WikiLeaks also discloses an email from White House chief of staff John Podesta, which seems to indicate that the former president believed his wife’s campaign was “a slow-motion train wreck.” Former presidential candidate Trump tells reporters he “probably” will seek the White House in 2020 and says he’s not sure whether Hillary Clinton is the “legitimate” president. Widespread outcry ensues in the mainstream media."

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