mardi 26 septembre 2017

Abrogation d'Obamacare: le Sénat ne votera pas sur le plan Graham-Cassidy

Tout indique que ce qui pouvait bien être la dernière tentative d'abroger Obamacare avant les élections de mi-mandat a échoué. Un revers difficile à avaler pour la formation politique qui promettait ce résultat depuis 2010.

 "The Senate will not vote on Republicans' latest bill to repeal Obamacare this week, putting an end, for now, to the GOP's seven-year campaign promise to dismantle the health care law.

The decision was reached at a party lunch Tuesday after it became clear the plan would fail, GOP senators said. Three Senate Republicans had already said they would vote against the measure, and the GOP could only afford two defections."

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