dimanche 24 septembre 2017

La maladie mentale affecte-t-elle-t-elle Donald Trump ou tout le pays? (Washington Post)

Un sujet bien délicat qui provoque un sérieux malaise. Un article qui effectue un survol de trois livres qui ont comme thème principal l'élection de Donald Trump et ses comportements étranges. L'arrivée de Donald Trump au pouvoir de Donald Trump constitue-t-elle une exception, un moment de brève folie ou est-elle plutôt la manifestation d'une dérive plus profonde? Les psychiatres se prononcent.

 "If so, what should we make of the nation that entrusted him with precisely such powers? In his new book, “Twilight of American Sanity,” psychiatrist Allen Frances asserts that Trump is not mentally ill — we are. “Calling Trump crazy allows us to avoid confronting the craziness in our society,” he writes. “We can’t expect to change Trump, but we must work to undo the societal delusions that created him.” And those delusions, Kurt Andersen contends in “Fantasyland,” have been around for a long time. “People tend to regard the Trump moment — this post-truth, alternative facts moment — as some inexplicable and crazy new American phenomenon,” he writes. “In fact, what’s happening is just the ultimate extrapolation and expression of attitudes and instincts that have made America exceptional for its entire history.”

So, depending on which of these books you trust — and their persuasive powers vary considerably — you might conclude that Trump is of unsound mind, or that we’re the deranged ones for electing him, or that America has always been disturbed, with Trump’s presidency just the latest manifestation.

And here’s the really crazy thing: These options are not mutually exclusive."


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