mardi 26 septembre 2017

Le Texas, Donald Trump et la NFL

Les texans ont largement encouragé Donald Trump lors de la dernière campagne électorale et c'est un fait bien connu qu'ils adorent le football. Comment allait-il réagir hier lors que le joueurs et le propriétaire des Cowboys ont posé un genoux au sol pendant l'hymne national? Les réactions sont multiples.

 "In a state-of-the-art sports bar alongside Interstate 20 about an hour east of Dallas on Monday night, there came the oddest non-sound: a silence that began to seem loud. It came from 14 tables and the crowded bar area. It filled the room as only silence can, and it lasted all the way through the national anthem being played through the screens from Arizona. It featured bar patrons who had been chattering or studying phones, their faces rapt with what looked like a mix of curiosity and respect.

It ended when the anthem ended, and with a booming cheer."

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