samedi 6 janvier 2018

Donald Trump est Fredo Corleone (David Frum, The Atlantic)

Le gazouillis matinal de Donald Trump dans lequel il affirme être un "génie stable" a inspiré au journal The Atlantic une autre comparaison peu flatteuse. David Frum associe le milliardaire au personnage de Fredo dans le film "Le parrain", mais il précise cependant que la famille Corleone encadrait mieux Fredo que le système politique américain ne le fait avec Donald Trump. Au-delà cette comparaison controversée le texte de Frum offre une perspective intéressante sur les retombées de la publication du livre de Michael Wolff.

 "Michael Wolff has drawn the most indelible picture yet of Donald Trump, the man. But the important thing about Trump is not the man; it’s the system of power surrounding the man.

 In 2016, there were voters who genuinely, in good faith, believed that Donald Trump was a capable business leader, moderate on social issues, who cared about the troubles of working class white America—and would do something to help. There may well still be some people who believe this—but nowhere near enough to sustain a presidency.

What sustains Trump now is the support of people who know what he is, but back him anyway. Republican political elites who know him for what he is, but who back him because they believe they can control and use him; conservative media elites who sense what he is, but who delight in the cultural wars he provokes; rank-and-file conservatives who care more about their grievances and hatreds than the governance of the country."

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