mercredi 31 janvier 2018

Pourquoi le "hut, hut, hut" au football?

Pour se mettre dans l'ambiance du Super Bowl disputé dimanche. Si vous ne savez pourquoi le quart-arrière crie "hut" ne vous en faites pas, bien des joueurs ne le savent pas non plus!!

 "It turns out hike evolved into hut because of football’s longtime love of military terminology.

After studying “hut,” Ben Zimmer, a noted linguist and lexicographer, published findings several years ago that linked the term to the cadences used by marching soldiers. In American military settings, it was often a substitute in basic marching commands, as in “hut, two, three, four” instead of “one, two, three, four.”

And drill sergeants in the middle of the 20th century also called troops to order with, “Atten-hut!”

Many football coaches and players in the late 1940s and early 1950s had served in the armed forces during World War II. Returning to football fields after the war, they borrowed hut as a clear, concise command that could be heard by a large group of men scattered across a plain."

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