mercredi 24 janvier 2018

La démocratie est-elle malade?

La démocratie est en perte de vitesse à l'échelle de la planète et cette série s'interroge sur les causes de ce déclin qui pourrait également atteindre des démocraties plus stables en Europe et en Amérique.

"After 200 years of expansion, democracy’s growth in the world has stalled. A handful of democracies like Venezuela and Hungary are backsliding into authoritarianism. And even in established Western democracies, voters are losing faith in democratic institutions and norms.

That has left us and scholars who study democracy obsessed with a set of questions. Is this all just a blip, or is democracy in real trouble? Are the oldest and sturdiest democracies, like those of Europe and the United States, really as safe as they seem? And why would people voluntarily dismantle their own democracy from within?

No one knows the answers for sure. But we’re starting to figure them out and it’s not all good news. Here, in the first of what will become a regular series of videos exploring big questions and ideas about the world, we explain what we know about democracy’s troubles, what’s causing them and where it leads.

Voici le premier épisode d'une nouvelle série diffusée sur le site du New York Times:

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