mercredi 10 janvier 2018

Donald Trump serait-il différent s'il témoignait sous serment?

On croit que très bientôt Robert Mueller pourrait demander à Donald Trump de répondre à ses questions. Les journalistes de Washington affirment que les avocats du président discutent actuellement avec l'équipe du procureur spécial. Le comportement de Donald Trump serait-il différent s'il devait s'exprimer sous serment? Oui s'il faut en croire cet article dans "The Atlantic".

 "Transcripts, and in one case video, of three depositions taken over the last decade provide a fascinating look into how the prolifically dissembling president behaves when he is under oath. The Donald Trump who emerges from these depositions is the same but different from the one familiar to Americans today. He is just as apt to bluster and braggadocio, and sometimes peevish. But within the confines of conference rooms and offices, he is calmer, more restrained, and more deliberate than his public persona, and with the tether of his oath holding him back, often acknowledges when he is wrong or has misrepresented things in the past.

Transcripts, and in one case video, of three depositions taken over the last decade provide a fascinating look into how the prolifically dissembling president behaves when he is under oath. The Donald Trump who emerges from these depositions is the same but different from the one familiar to Americans today. He is just as apt to bluster and braggadocio, and sometimes peevish. But within the confines of conference rooms and offices, he is calmer, more restrained, and more deliberate than his public persona, and with the tether of his oath holding him back, often acknowledges when he is wrong or has misrepresented things in the past.

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