vendredi 30 mars 2018

David Shulkin congédié par ce qu'il s'opposait à la privatisation des services aux anciens combattants? (Position éditoriale du New York Times)

Si le contenu de cet article s'avérait vrai, il y aurait ici aussi un potentiel de controverses et de scandales. Pour être franc, Shulkin a dépensé maladroitement l'argent des contribuables et il a ensuite menti sur la question. S'il mérite son sort, il semble que ce ne soit pas pour cette raison que Donald Trump ait choisi de le remplacer. Un retour d'ascenseur pour ces généreux donateurs que sont les frères Koch?

 "So we come back to the Koch brothers. After a year of amity between Dr. Shulkin and the president, there came word last month of behind-the-scenes intrigue inside and outside the department over replacing the secretary. Those supporting such a move had ties to the Kochs and a group they fund called Concerned Veterans of America.

 The group advocates privatizing V.A. care, which Dr. Shulkin has opposed. While the department has increased the role that private doctors play in the treatment of veterans — which is particularly useful in areas far from V.A. hospitals — most veterans advocates believe that despite the department’s history of serious problems with access to care and with the quality of care, the solution is more funding and better management. They see privatization as a boon for the private sector, not for veterans. And, as Dr. Shulkin said in an Op-Ed article in The New York Times late Wednesday, the nine million veterans who use the V.A. would overwhelm the private sector. More than 1,200 hospitals and clinics in the V.A. system provide that care now."

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