jeudi 22 mars 2018

Pourquoi Donald Trump craint-il Vladimir Poutine?

Pour être honnête il faut mentionner que plusieurs membres de l'administration ont sévèrement blâmé le président russe, mais il est vrai que Donald Trump lui-même a fait montre d'une réserve inhabituelle. A-t-il la conviction que c'est la meilleure approche ou craint-il des révélations embarrassantes?

 "A senior administration official told The Times that Mr. Trump didn’t want to antagonize Mr. Putin because fostering rapport is the only way to improve relations between the two countries. On Tuesday, the president said he hoped to meet Mr. Putin soon and discuss preventing an arms race — an arms race both leaders have encouraged with loose talk and investment in new weapons.

Engaging Russia and preventing an arms race are undeniably important. But it’s hard to see how praising and appeasing a bully will advance American interests. That’s not the approach Mr. Trump has taken with adversaries like North Korea or Iran, or, for that matter, even with some allies.

While Mr. Trump panders to Mr. Putin, his criticism of Mr. Mueller, is becoming harsher, as the investigation raises increasingly serious concerns about a web of ties connecting Mr. Trump’s associates to Russia."

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