jeudi 29 mars 2018

Rusty Staub meurt à 73 ans

Je me permets de relayer cet article du New York Times parce que si Staub est connu des partisans des Expos de Montréal comme la première grande vedette de l'équipe, le "Grand orange" a également joué pour les Mets de New York.

"He particularly endeared himself in Canada, where he played for the expansion team the Expos; he was an All-Star in all three of his full seasons in Montreal, from 1969 to 1971. Staub learned French and became a traveling ambassador for the team, hailing the advent of Major League Baseball in Canada.

He did so out of respect for the fans, he said.

“I was in Quebec — I couldn’t talk to a child,” he told The Montreal Gazette in 2012. “I couldn’t say something encouraging. I felt like I was not doing my job — not being able to respond to the media at least in some

“I took about 25 French classes after the first season, and the next year I took longer classes,” he continued. “There’s not a question that my making that effort is part of the reason that whatever Le Grand Orange represented to Montreal and all those fans, they knew I cared and I tried.” basic form."

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