vendredi 1 mars 2019

Échec au sommet à Hanoï: que fait-on maintenant?

La fin abrupte du sommet a étonné bien des observateurs et laissé un certain nombre de pays avec plus de questions que de réponses. Si on s'intéresse aux retombées aux États-Unis et en Corée du Nord d'abord, la Corée du Sud, le Japon, la Chine et la Russie ont bien peu d'éléments stables pour étayer leurs analyses et leurs stratégies.

" Going home without an agreement could be a huge embarrassment for Mr. Kim, experts said. He had taken a 65-hour train ride across China to Vietnam, and North Korea’s propagandists had earlier said that Mr. Kim was working for “comprehensive and epoch-making results.”

“It will be difficult for Kim to save face domestically with no concrete outcome from the Hanoi summit,” said Alison Evans, a senior researcher at IHS Markit. Some analysts in South Korea have even speculated that Mr. Kim might purge some of his negotiators for failing to predict Mr. Trump’s behavior.

In the short term, Mr. Trump’s decision to walk away from the negotiating table brought relief to many in Japan, and to some in South Korea, too."

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