mardi 15 février 2011

Tuer ceux qui pratiquent les avortements? Projet de loi au Dakota du sud...

Je me suis toujours dit que si j'étudiais suffisamment longtemps nos voisins du sud, je parviendrais à les comprendre un peu mieux (juste un peu...). Et voilà que je tombe sur ce projet de loi lors de mes lectures matutinales...

Voici à quoi ressemble le projet:

"A law under consideration in South Dakota would expand the definition of "justifiable homicide" to include killings that are intended to prevent harm to a fetus—a move that could make it legal to kill doctors who perform abortions. The Republican-backed legislation, House Bill 1171, has passed out of committee on a nine-to-three party-line vote, and is expected to face a floor vote in the state's GOP-dominated House of Representatives soon."

"The bill, sponsored by state Rep. Phil Jensen, a committed foe of abortion rights, alters the state's legal definition of justifiable homicide by adding language stating that a homicide is permissible if committed by a person "while resisting an attempt to harm" that person's unborn child or the unborn child of that person's spouse, partner, parent, or child. If the bill passes, it could in theory allow a woman's father, mother, son, daughter, or husband to kill anyone who tried to provide that woman an abortion—even if she wanted one. "

Je me doute bien qu'il y a une stratégie politique derrière, mais c'est troublant, non?

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