mercredi 22 juin 2011

Présidence américaine: ces présidents pourraient-ils gagner une campagne du 21e siècle?

Le site du Huffington post débutait aujourd'hui une série de trois articles sur les présidents américains qui n'auraient aucune chance de triompher en 2012. Washington et Lincoln ne "passeraient" pas... Intéressant et inquiétant de voir certains grands hommes "disparaître" en raison de leur "look".

"Even before television, there has been some appearance-based superficiality to the presidential process. For instance, Republicans favored Warren G. Harding partially for "looking like a president." He promptly gambled away the White House china and admitted his deficiencies for the office. His greatest accomplishment was dying in office.

Another man that died in office was a far superior and unsightly president. An elderly woman upon making eye contact with Honest Abe said, "I do believe you are the ugliest man I ever saw." Lincoln replied, "Madam, you are probably right, but I can't help it!" "No," said she, "you can't help it, but you might stay at home!" This homely president may be our greatest president; however, on looks alone, Harding would get the nod over Lincoln in a 2012 primary.

The following are the first nine of twenty-seven American presidents that would not be electable today. It is interesting to ponder the fate of these men in the 21st century. I would hope that they would adapt to our times. However, for the sake of humor we shall say that they are fixed in their ways. "

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