vendredi 24 juin 2011

Tea partiers: série historique!!!

Une nouvelle série pensée et tournée par et pour des adeptes du Tea party... J'espère que leur consultant en histoire est supérieur à ceux qui travaillent pour Palin et Bachmann!

"James Patrick Riley and Jonathan Wilson, apparently undeterred by the limited success of the last entertainment venture aimed at Tea Partiers, have teamed up to make Courage, New Hampshire, a one-hour drama about Colonial America that premieres Sunday in California.

The show takes place in New Hampshire in 1770, and in the first episode, called "The Travail of Sarah Pine," a woman accuses a British soldier of fathering a child out of wedlock. According to the show's site:

They were a sturdy lot of men and women who dreamed of a city built on a hill. Their struggle to create that city and to sustain a republic dedicated to the rare notion of individual freedom and "unalienable rights" has outlived them, but there's a side of their story we don't often study: what made them strong enough to fight?
"I'd like to concentrate on some of the regular folk who made the Revolution possible," Riley said, and "mix the narrative tension of The Sopranos and the redemptive, heroic American exceptionalism of Frank Capra.""

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