Des déclarations spectaculaires, quelques bourdes et quelques attaques personnelles qui diminuent la qualité des échanges... On s'interroge sur la capacité des candidats républicains à s'attaquer aux vraies questions.
"In an election that's supposed to hinge on jobs and the economy, the Republican presidential contest in recent months has been defined by almost everything else.
Immigration and children's vaccines. Race and religion. Homosexuality and health care. The issues range far from the economic woes that concern most voters, but they have captivated Republicans in New Hampshire and other early voting states, providing the candidates with ways to distinguish themselves from their rivals. The biggest applause lines on the campaign trail usually have little to do with a candidate's economic positions.
The dynamic was on display Monday, even as the contenders prepared for a Tuesday night debate focused solely on the economy."
Des améliorations pour ce soir dans un débat centré sur l'économie?
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