mardi 25 octobre 2011

Mariage gai: des opposants tentent de trafiquer des photos d'une foule venue encourager Obama!

Vive photoshop? On tentait de récupérer une photo d'une grande foule venue entendre Obama pour montrer la "popularité" des manifestations pour s'opposer au mariage gai...

"The anti-gay group National Organization for Marriage was caught trying to pass off a picture of a rally for President Obama as that of an anti-gay marriage rally.

The LGBT News site Good As You points out that the group New Hampshire for Marriage, a project of NOM, used a screenshot of a 2008 campaign rally for President Obama in Columbus, Ohio, on their site. The picture, from Reuters, shows around 60,000 people who turned out for Obama back then, according to the blog Upper Arlington Progressive Action.

The Obama rally picture is photoshopped next to a person holding a “Defend Marriage” sign. “NH for Marriage is a coalition of Granite State citizens committed to defending traditional marriage in New Hampshire,” the caption says. “Our goal is to repeal the state’s same-sex marriage law by turning the tide against out-of-state special interest money that fueled its passage and corrupted our political and legislative process.”"

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