samedi 1 octobre 2011

Steven Chu: un Nobel fait-il de vous un bon Secrétaire?

Chu est le Secrétaire à l'énergie dans l'administration Obama...

"Energy Secretary Steven Chu faces questions over whether his laboratory smarts and Silicon Valley background have undercut his ability to operate inside the Beltway.

Chu has kept a very low profile during the Solyndra affair, traveling to China and Vienna in September and speaking almost exclusively on other topics within his domain as questions pile up from Congress about the lost $535 million loan guarantee.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Friday that Chu has "the president's full confidence." But Chu, the Nobel laureate praised last year for spending weeks in a Houston control room brainstorming up engineering ideas that ultimately helped cap the Gulf of Mexico oil gusher, is not out of the woods.

"Just because you are a Nobel Prize-winning physicist doesn't mean you'd be a good orthopedic surgeon," said one former Bush Energy Department official. "They're different skill sets."

"Impressive credentials, but sadly miscast for the rough and tumble, oft unforgiving world of oil and energy markets and its cast of malign actors," Raymond Learsy, author of "Oil and Finance: the Epic Corruption," wrote in a blog post published Monday on the Huffington Post.

The GOP-led House wants answers on how Chu and the rest of the administration missed — or just ignored — red flags surrounding Solyndra when it won the loan guarantee and then restructured the terms of the loan two years later so that taxpayers were on the hook if the company defaulted."

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