mardi 25 octobre 2011

Tunisie: islamisme et démocratie sont-ils conciliables (LA Times)

Un modèle pour la poursuite du "Printemps arabe"? Peut-on reproduire le cas de la Turquie?

"Now will Tunisia offer a model for what to do next? Voters turned out in high numbers on Sunday to choose an assembly to draw up a new constitution. It was the first post-revolt election in the Arab world since the Arab Spring began, and voters were for the most part orderly and enthusiastic, according to news reports. Preliminary indications are that the big winner was the moderate Islamic party Nahda, which has committed itself to working within the rules of a pluralistic, democratic society.

If it can really do that, great — and not just for Tunisia. Powerful tensions exist between Islamists and secularists in most of the countries that have faced revolts this year. In Libya, for instance, interim leader Mustafa Abdul Jalil worried many of his compatriots when he said Sunday that he hoped his country would become an "Islamic state" in which polygamy would not be illegal but charging interest would. In Egypt, the not-terribly-moderate Muslim Brotherhood is likely to outperform others in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

If elections are to be the future of the region — and that is by no means settled — the world will have to acknowledge the powerful appeal of Islamist parties and begin to figure out whether and under what circumstances such parties can exist comfortably in a democracy. There's some precedent for this in Turkey, where the Islamist party of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has managed — despite secularists' fears — to mix a conservative, religious message with a modern, development-oriented approach that works within the electoral system.",0,2825011.story

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