dimanche 22 janvier 2012

State of the Union: Obama et l'économie

Le discours sur l'état de l'Union est toujours un moment privilégié pour le Président qui informe les deux chambres du Congrès de son agenda. Vous imaginez facilement que ce discours est doublement important lors d'une année électorale, ce qui est le cas en 2012. Non seulement Obama informe le Congrès et les américains, mais il en profite pour établir les priorités de sa campagne électorale. Évidemment il parlera du sujet qui inquiète le plus ses concitoyens, l'économie, mais il établira clairement les différences entre son approche et celle des républicains.

"In a video preview e-mailed to millions of supporters on Saturday, as South Carolina Republicans went to the polls to help pick an alternative to him, Mr. Obama promised a populist “blueprint for an American economy that’s built to last,” with the government assisting the private sector and individuals to ensure “an America where everybody gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share and everybody plays by the same set of rules.”

Mr. Obama has honed that message for months as he has attacked Republicans in Congress and on the presidential campaign trail, contrasting it with what he has described as Republicans’ “go it alone” free-market views.%% Last week at fund-raisers in New York, he told supporters that his push for a government hand had a precedent dating to the construction of canals and interstate highways, and the creation of land-grant colleges and the G.I. Bill. He said that Republicans had moved so far to the right that 2012 will be a “hugely consequential election.”

 Notably, Mr. Obama will again propose changes to the tax code so the wealthy pay more, despite Republicans’ consistent opposition. Americans overwhelmingly support the idea, polls show, and the White House hopes that it gains traction with voters, given last week’s acknowledgment by the Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney that he pays taxes at a lower rate than many middle-class Americans because most of his income comes from investments."

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