mardi 24 avril 2012

Al Gore entre au Internet Hall of Fame.

Contrairement à déclaration maladroite de 1999, Al Gore n'a pas inventé internet. Sa contribution est tout de même assez significative pour justifier son admission au Internet Hall of Fame!

 "If you invent the Internet, you should probably get some sort of recognition, right? Former Veep Al Gore is now getting a bit of credit for his infamous 1999 claim that “I took the initiative in creating the Internet”: He’ll be one of the first inductees into the Internet Hall of Fame.

The names were announced Monday at the Internet Society’s Global INET 2012 conference in Geneva, Switzerland, and Gore was placed in the “Global Connectors” category for having “made significant contributions to the global growth and use of the Internet.”

 The group’s description of Gore states: “Al Gore, the 45th Vice President of the United States, was a key proponent of sponsoring legislation that funded the expansion of and greater public access to the Internet. Instrumental in helping to create the ‘Information Superhighway,’ Gore was one of the first government officials to recognize that the Internet’s impact could reach beyond academia to fuel educational and economic growth as well.”

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