jeudi 19 avril 2012

Mitt Romney et Dorian Gray: même combat?

Toute une comparaison, on réfère maintenant au classique d'Oscar Wilde (1890). The picture of Dorian Gray est le seul roman publié par Wilde.

 "As he finally claims the nomination that was his all along, but which was so reluctantly yielded to him, Mitt Romney enters his Etch A Sketch period. He may twist the knobs to try and shift his professed beliefs as easily as the aluminum granules on the screen of one of the last century's most famous toys. But it's hard for the epic flip-flopper to reframe himself again — or it should be.

 Romney is only doing what comes naturally to a man who once said he was "better" on gay rights than Ted Kennedy, but then later donated $25,000 to the homophobic National Organization For Marriage — through a conduit that was designed to hide his contribution. Romney's public life across two decades has been a ceaselessly revised Etch A Sketch. "

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