mardi 22 mai 2012

Grèce et Zone Euro: les risques pour les États-Unis

Dépendance des banques américaines aux dettes de pays en crise? Diminution des exportations? Ralentissement économique aux États-Unis? Si le "mal grec" devait atteindre d'autres pays...

 "It's not Greece that poses a problem for the United States. It's the contagion that would spread if Greece exits the eurozone that would pose the greatest risks. Uncertainty about Greece's future in the eurozone is running rampant. If Greece defaults on its debts, borrowing costs in other troubled European economies will skyrocket.

That would likely force more bailouts, perhaps for countries as large as Spain and Italy, and an even greater slowdown across Europe, which is already teetering on the edge of a recession.

"There is considerable uncertainty surrounding just how severe the impact on the global financial system could be," said Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist for Capital Economics. "The exit from the eurozone of one or two of the smallest countries may not be disastrous, but a disorderly break-up of the euro that includes either Spain or Italy could well be."

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