mercredi 11 décembre 2013

Le règne du Tea party tire-t-il à sa fin?

Trop beau pour être vrai? Si des enjeux électoralistes forçaient les dirigeants et les stratèges du GOP à tolérer les partisans les plus farfelus du Tea party, il semble que cette tendance s'atténue.

 Un exemple:

 "Rep. Paul Ryan, a darling of the Republican conservative base and a likely 2016 presidential candidate, just reached a budget agreement with Democrats that would allow a modest increase in spending. Even the hint of a spending increase was enough to produce howls from Heritage Action this week before the deal was announced. The group, influential among activists and GOP lawmakers, issued a statement Monday that it “cannot support a budget deal that would increase spending in the near-term for promises of woefully inadequate long-term reductions.”"

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