jeudi 5 décembre 2013

Les républicains savent-ils parler aux femmes? Leçons...

 Le GOP un parti d'hommes blancs? Il semble que oui... Si on voulait être méchant, on pourrait dire qu'ils ne leur rentent plus qu'à suivre des formations pour parler aux gais, aux noirs et aux hispanophones.

 "The National Republican Congressional Committee wants to make sure there are no Todd Akin-style gaffes next year, so it’s meeting with top aides of sitting Republicans to teach them what to say — or not to say — on the trail, especially when their boss is running against a woman.

Speaker John Boehner is serious, too. His own top aides met recently with Republican staff to discuss how lawmakers should talk to female constituents.%% “Let me put it this way, some of these guys have a lot to learn,” said a Republican staffer who attended the session in Boehner’s office.

 There have been “multiple sessions” with the NRCC where aides to incumbents were schooled in “messaging against women opponents,” one GOP aide said.

 While GOP party leaders have talked repeatedly of trying to “rebrand” the party after the 2012 election losses, the latest effort shows they’re not entirely confident the job is done.

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