jeudi 3 avril 2014

Harvard: un viol ignoré par l'administration? "Dear Harvard you win"

Le Washington post de ce matin mentionne un article du Harvard Crimson à l'intérieur duquel on retrouve le texte d'une étudiante qui y raconte le viol dont elle a été victime. Comme l'indique le titre "Dear Harvard: you win", elle abandonne la démarche qu'elle menait auprès de l'administration pour que son agresseur ne se retrouve plus dans la même résidence qu'elle...

 "But when she reported the incident to college officials, they tried to dissuade her from pressing charges. The alleged assailant, they said, may not have violated the letter of a two-decade-old sexual assault policy in the student handbook, which defines “indecent assault and battery” as anything involving “unwanted touching or fondling of a sexual nature that is accompanied by physical force or threat of bodily injury.” If the alleged victim went forward with an Administration Board case, these officials told her, he’d likely be cleared. On the other hand, the school could not take action against the accused student without a full investigative process. Moving him to a different House in the absence of an Admin Board verdict would be unjust. What they could do was pluck the letter writer out of her residential support system, as if she were to blame, and install her in a new dorm."

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