mercredi 9 avril 2014

Parti québécois et déroute électorale: article dans le New York Times

On mentionne le nom de plusieurs universitaires québécois dans ce retour sur les résultats de lundi soir.
"“Perhaps it would have been different if the people in the Parti Québécois would have come to understand the lessons of 2011,” said Claire Durand, a sociologist at Université de Montréal who studies and conducts political polls. Her analysis, she said, indicated that while support for sovereignty, as separation has come to be known in Quebec politics, has generally held at 40 percent of the population since the 1960s, many supporters nevertheless also want to remain in Canada. She said polls in this election showed that was the case for about 20 percent of Parti Québécois backers.

 “Look,” she said to separatist politicians in general, “even the people who vote for you don’t want sovereignty.”

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