lundi 13 juin 2016

Le tueur d'Orlando et ses "potes" de Boston...

Le tueur qui a ouvert le feu dans un bar d'Orlando a référé aux responsables de l'attentat du Marathon de Boston en les appelant ses "homeboys" lors de son appel au 911. Il n'y aurait cependant aucun lien entre Marteen et les frères Tsarnaev.

 “As is standard practice in Boston, we are sharing real-time information and intelligence with our federal, state, local and community partners,” he said. “Currently, we have no specific, credible threats to our area as a result of the Orlando attack. As always, the FBI Boston Division will work with our law enforcement partners to gather, share and act upon threat information as it comes to our attention. We urge the public to report any and all suspicious activity to law enforcement.”

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