jeudi 9 juin 2016

Sentence pour le viol de Stanford: le système fonctionne

Dans ce texte publié sur le site du Washington Post, les auteurs soutiennent que malgré les arguments invoqués pour revoir la décision du juge, le système judiciaire a bien fonctionné.

 "By contrast, in the Turner case police and prosecutors did what they do best. The defendant was presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. He had a lawyer who could test the credibility of all witnesses, a right to exculpatory evidence, an impartial jury of his peers and other protections against wrongful conviction. The public nature of the trial provided a check against misconduct, either by law enforcement or by the university.

Despite criticisms of the sentence, Persky appears to have presided fairly during the trial. He based his sentence on the recommendation of the probation office, a common approach for judges. While Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen sharply disagreed, he has also condemned the recall drive mounted against Persky.

Yes, six months is too short a jail term. But it may also be the least of Turner’s punishments. The stain and notoriety of his crime will mark this champion athlete turned registered sex offender for the rest of his life, everywhere he goes. As it should."

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