lundi 13 juin 2016

"Obama ne comprend rien" (Donald Trump)

Déjà hier Trump affirmait qu'i avait eu raison de vouloir interdire l'entrée aux Musulmans. Aujourd'hui il revient à la charge en affirmant que Clinton et Obama sont faibles, ce dernier étant dans l'erreur sur la lutte au terrorisme ainsi que sur la législation entourant les armes à feu aux États-Unis.

 "He doesn't get it or he gets it better than anybody understands. It's one or the other," Trump said of Obama on "Fox & Friends," speaking on the phone. "And either one is unacceptable, No. 1, and No. 2, calling on another gun ban, I mean, this man has no clue. First of all, the shooter was licensed. So he went through all the procedures, he was fully licensed to have a gun. So he would have passed the test that the president would have thrown up there. It's so ridiculous. You know, this is a, this is a mentality, this is a state. And you have thousands of shooters like this with the same mentality out there in this country, and we're bringing thousands and thousands of them back into this country, and into the country every year."

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