lundi 12 décembre 2016

Le Canada à l'abri de la vague populiste? Vraiment?

Il y a peu le Vice-président Joe Biden affirmait que le monde aurait besoin du Canada plus que jamais. Le pays est-il vraiment à l'abri d'une vague populiste? Point de vue rapporté dans le Washington Post.

 "Yet such confident conclusions are always asserted, not substantiated. In contrast to the sunny claims of those at the top, polling data reveals a Canadian public deeply wary of how immigration has transformed the culture and identity of a country that was, as recently as 1981, around 96 percent white.

One poll found 68 percent of Canadians agreeing “minorities should do more to fit in with mainstream Canadian society” — an affirmation rate higher than Americans. More than two-thirds of Canadians consistently support either capping or reducing Canada’s immigrant intake, and a 2015 poll found 41 percent of Canadians willing to admit they think their country lets in too many visible minorities. Even Justin Trudeau’s embrace of Syrian refugees, broadcast across the world as a case study of Canadian compassion, was deeply divisive at home. Trudeau was elected in 2015 promising to welcome 25,000 Syrians before the end of the year; 60 percent said they were opposed to him fulfilling the promise."

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