vendredi 3 février 2017

Les Américains fatigués de voir les Patriots au Super Bowl

Le match opposant les Patriots au Falcons approchent à grands pas. Si les Patriots me semblent légèrement supérieurs à leurs rivaux d'Atlanta, ils ne sont pas les favoris dans le coeur des Américains. Ils seraient 55% à espérer une victoire des Falcons malgré la popularité de Tom Brady. Petit sondage à ajouter à vos notes pour les préparatifs!

 "Americans are divided about a lot of things these days, but there's one thing our new national poll finds they can come together on: wanting the Patriots to lose the Super Bowl. We find that among football fans nationwide, 53% are rooting for the Falcons to win on Sunday, compared to only 27% who are pulling for the Patriots. Republicans (58/23), Democrats (54/27), and independents (47/31) all give their support to the Falcons in pretty similar numbers. The Falcons have a very positive overall image as a team- 55% of fans see them favorably to 19% with an unfavorable view. Meanwhile attitudes toward the Patriots are considerably more divided, with 43% seeing them positively and 42% negatively."

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