lundi 13 février 2017

Une école canadienne suspend ses voyages aux États-Unis en raison du décret de Donald Trump sur l'immigration

Je me suis intéressé à cet article parce que je me suis rendu à Washington avec un groupe d'étudiants lors de l'assermentation de Donald Trump. C'était avant le décret, mais nous considérions déjà que le climat n'était pas le même. On peut se demander quels seront les impacts des politiques de l'administration Trump sur le tourisme.

 "The unpredictability of what could happen next was a major factor in the Windsor school board's decision to cancel trips. Because of its diverse student population, Howitt told the Detroit Free Press it was possible that some of them could be detained at the border. That had happened before, she added, when the United States clamped down on border security after Sept. 11, 2001.

 “It's just right now the uncertainty of whether all of our students would be able to cross,” she told the newspaper. “So having had that experience in the past, we are just demonstrating due diligence at this period of uncertainty.”

The district represents Windsor and Essex County, one of the most diverse areas in Canada. Based on Canadian census data, the district projects that more than a quarter of the county population will be foreign born by 2031."

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