jeudi 6 avril 2017

Guerre civile au sein de l'administration Trump?

Pour plusieurs nouvelles administrations les frictions entre l'équipe qui a fait élire le candidat et les vétérans à Washington constituent un passage obligé. On croyait que Trump était déterminé à placer ses partisans à des postes importants, mais il semble en sacrifier un certain nombre depuis quelques jours. Monnaie d'échange ou perte de pouvoir bien réelle? Assurément le Président découvre toute les "subtilités" du jeu politique dans la capitale américaine.

" From the State Department to the Environmental Protection Agency, a sharp dividing line has formed: Cabinet secretaries and their handpicked teams of GOP veterans are rushing to take power as Trump campaign staffers — "originals,” as they call themselves — gripe that they’re being pushed aside.

In over a dozen interviews, the originals, many of whom volunteered to work for candidate Trump when few others were willing to do so, complained that they'd been shut out of meetings and targeted with career-destroying leaks. In recent weeks, a number of longtime Trump supporters have abruptly quit, saying they felt the administration had been overtaken by the same establishment they worked to defeat.

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