jeudi 24 août 2017

John Kelly s'assure de contrôler l'information qui parvient à Donald Trump

Le chef de cabinet souhaite mettre fin aux luttes internes ou au moins les atténuer en s'assurant de contrôler l'information. Un façon d'éviter la confusion au sein du personnel et de "contrôler" un peu mieux le Président?

 "Confronted with a West Wing that treated policymaking as a free-for-all, President Donald Trump’s chief of staff, John Kelly, is instituting a system used by previous administrations to limit internal competition — and to make himself the last word on the material that crosses the president’s desk.

It’s a quiet effort to make Trump conform to White House decision-making norms he’s flouted without making him feel shackled or out of the loop. In a conference call last week, Kelly initiated a new policymaking process in which just he and one other aide — White House staff secretary Rob Porter, a little-known but highly regarded Rhodes scholar who overlapped with Jared Kushner as an undergraduate at Harvard — will review all documents that cross the Resolute desk."

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