dimanche 27 août 2017

Donald Trump avait déjà approché Jeff Sessions dans le dossier du shérif Arpaïo

Le Président songeait à ce pardon depuis longtemps. Un autre dossier qui pourrait embêter Jeff Sessions puisque cette fois le pardon est accordé à un homme qui contrevient au respect de droits constitutionnels. Une fois de plus Donald Trump nous plonge dans l'inconnu, les pardons ne concernant pas ce type de faute habituellement.

 "Trump’s Friday-evening decision to issue his first pardon for Arpaio was the culmination of a five-year political friendship with roots in the “birther” movement to undermine President Barack Obama. In an extraordinary exercise of presidential power, Trump bypassed the traditional review process to ensure that Arpaio, who was convicted of contempt of court, would face no time in prison.

 Trump’s pardon, issued without consulting the Justice Department, raised a storm of protest over the weekend, including from some fellow Republicans, and threatens to become a stain on the president’s legacy. His effort to see if the case could be dropped showed a troubling disregard for the traditional wall between the White House and the Justice Department, and taken together with similar actions could undermine respect for the rule of law, experts said."


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