La question est sur toutes les lèvres et le Secrétaire à la défense Mattis (photo) est au coeur des discussions. On parle généralement très peu des interventions américaines en Afrique, mais ce dossier changera peut-être la donne. Pour expliquer la mort de de quatre soldats américains on pointe actuellement vers une défaillance des services de renseignement.
"On Thursday, Mohamed Bazoum, Niger’s interior minister, said that the area where the mission took place was “considered safe” and called the incident “a failure in human intelligence,” although it wasn’t clear whether he meant an American or a Nigerien failure.
“The question that needs to be answered is why the intelligence assessments were off,” offered Waltz, the former Green Beret. “Was there a leak of the route, that can come from the host nation, or from some type of intercepts, or who knows?”
“There are legitimate questions to be asked about what happened,” added Seay, the Colby College African politics specialist. “If they didn’t have the intel, why not? Was there a problem coordinating with the Nigerien partner military? Why did it take 48 hours to recover the fourth body? Those are reasonable questions to be asking.”