mardi 31 octobre 2017

Caricature Manafort comme McCain?

Caricature de RJ Matson, Roll Call 

 Loin de moi l'idée de comparer le Sénateur McCain à l'ancien directeur de la campagne de Donald Trump. Matson réfère ici à la déclaration controversée de Donald Trump au sujet du sénateur républicain. Pendant la dernière campagne Donald Trump avait affirmé, pour atténuer le caractère héroïque du comportement de McCain lors de sa détention pendant la guerre du Vietnam, qu'il préférait des héros qui n'étaient pas capturés.

Caricature Robert Mueller accuse

Caricature d'Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News

Chronique dans "Québec aujourd'hui" sur les ondes de BLVD 102,1: enquête Mueller et archives de JFK

Dans la section "Réécouter" du 31 octobre:

Collaboration dans "Radio-Canada cet après-midi" 30 octobre: enquête Mueller, film sur LBJ et les idées conservatrices dans les universités

Nos échanges de ce 30 octobre à 17h42 sur l'audio fil du 31 octobre:

lundi 30 octobre 2017

Caricature Paul Manafort rattrapé par Mueller...

Caricature de Bob Englehart,

Enquête sur la Russie: trois membres de l'équipe électorale de Donald Trump accusés

Si on attendait éventuellement contre Paul Manafort et Rick Gates, le cas de George Papadopoulos surprend tous les observateurs. Ce dernier a même reconnu avoir menti au FBI. Les trois individus étaient liés à la campagne électorale de Donald Trump. Robert Mueller pourrait très bien réserver d'autres surprises, nous n'en sommes qu'au début.

 "The charges collectively show how Mueller is aggressively probing the lives of those in President Trump’s orbit — digging into their personal finances while also exploring whether they might have coordinated, or tried to coordinate, with Russia to influence the 2016 election."

Caricature The end?

Caricature de Bill Day, Cagle Cartoons

dimanche 29 octobre 2017

La politique américaine à son plus bas: 71% des Américains le croient

Des chiffres qui n'ont rien de bien rassurants et l'administration Trump en serait grandement responsable.

 "Seven in 10 Americans say the nation’s political divisions are at least as big as during the Vietnam War, according to a new poll, which also finds nearly 6 in 10 saying Donald Trump’s presidency is making the U.S. political system more dysfunctional.

The Washington Post-University of Maryland poll — conducted nine months into Trump’s tumultuous presidency — reveals a starkly pessimistic view of U.S. politics, widespread distrust of the nation’s political leaders and their ability to compromise, and an erosion of pride in the way democracy works in America."

Échouer "Donald Trump 101": le rôle des universités

Mêmes des leaders des universités américaines ont été ébranlés par l'étonnante victoire de Donald Trump en 2016. Cette victoire fait ressortir les différences entre les Américains et plusieurs s'interrogent sur le rôle de universités dans un pays où on a sous-estimé l'impact de la pensée conservatrice. Frank Bruni croit que plusieurs ont mal géré la situation en éducation supérieure.

 Public schools like U.N.C. have an additional incentive to accommodate a full range of viewpoints. “If colleges are seen as disconnected,” Jaschik noted, “why would Joe Taxpayer in Raleigh care about what happens in Chapel Hill?” Indeed, some state universities have already felt the sting of conservative lawmakers’ disapproval, and a Pew Research Center poll in June showed that a significant majority of Republicans and conservative-leaning independents now believe that colleges have a negative impact on America.

I don’t agree, and I’m not suggesting that colleges normalize Trump, validate everyone who backed him or make room for the viciously bigoted sentiments he often stoked. But there’s inquisitive, constructive territory short of that.

And colleges should be places where we learn to persuade people not to take paths that we consider dangerous instead of simply gaping and yelling at them. That requires putting them and their ideas into the mix. Too many schools are flunking that assignment."

Caricature protection de la liberté d'expression

Caricature de Matt Wuerker/POLITICO

Caricature Halloween à Washington

Caricature de MATT WUERKER

Caricature Trump et ses minions: le nouveau Parti républicain

Caricature de Patrick Chappatte, The International New York Times

Caricature harceleurs et responsabilité

Caricature de Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star Tribune

mercredi 25 octobre 2017

Le silence des agneaux... Républicains

Les sorties successives de McCain, Corker et Flake auront-elles un effet sur leur formation politique? L'auteur émet des réserves.

 "Similar questions arise thanks to Corker and Flake: Is there any sign that other Republican leaders will follow their lead? No, not really. Instead, we get hints glimmers of how GOP leaders feel, via House Speaker Paul Ryan’s clever, genteel repartee at the Al Smith dinner. Aides to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell regularly feed Washington reporters disparaging views of Trump—but only enough to singe, never burn, and certainly nothing that would imperil the party’s legislative priorities.

To think that those who will remain in power when Corker and Flake—and perhaps others—leave will give public voice to even their grimmest fears about the man in the Oval Office is a pipe dream.

 Indeed, the more likely scenario is that the president’s most ardent supporters will be celebrating the angry words as the harmless words of fallen foes—welcoming their hatred as a badge of honor. And those Republicans who remain in office will see the fallout as a cautionary signal of the cost of acknowledging the dangers that their President presents. Let's hope we never have to learn the cost of the silence of these Republican lambs."

Caricature Hillary et le "recul"

Caricature de Rick McKee, The Augusta Chronicle

Les Démocrates et la campagne d'Hillary Clinton auraient financé l'enquête sur les liens entre la Russie et Donald Trump

Comme si cette histoire manquait de rebondissements...

 "The dossier — prepared by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS — has become a central focus of ongoing congressional probes into Russian election interference during the 2016 general election.

A spokesperson for the DNC said the new leadership of the organization, including Chairman Tom Perez, was not involved in the decision-making process that led to the retention of the research firm. Democratic officials stressed that the congressional probes into the White House were of greater significance than the origin of the funds behind the dossier's creation.

"Let’s be clear, there is a serious federal investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, and the American public deserves to know what happened,” DNC spokesperson Xochitl Hinojosa said in a statement."

Caricature Fats Domino 1928-2017

Caricature de Dave Granlund,

George Bush père répond aux allégations d'agression sexuelle

George H.W. Bush a répondu à Heather Lind qui lui reprochait une agression sexuelle commise lors d'un événement dont elle ne mentionne pas le nom:

"But when I got the chance to meet George H. W. Bush four years ago to promote a historical television show I was working on, he sexually assaulted me while I was posing for a similar photo," the post went on to say. "He didn't shake my hand. He touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side. He told me a dirty joke. And then, all the while being photographed, touched me again."

Le Président Bush a répondu par l'entremise d'un porte-parole:

"President Bush would never — under any circumstance — intentionally cause anyone distress, and he most sincerely apologizes if his attempt at humor offended Ms. Lind," the statement said."

Caricature Harvey Weinstein: une dernière production?

Caricature d'Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News

Fats Domino meurt à 89 ans (Rolling Stone)

Contrairement à d'autres figures rebelles de son époque, ce pionnier du rock était célèbre pour sa jovialité.

 "From the start of his career, Domino wasn't a larger-than-life figure like Presley or Lewis. Married at 20, he was a notorious homebody who eventually had eight children (all of whose names began with the letter "A"). Asked by Rolling Stone in 2007 about riots that took place during early rock and roll shows that featured him and other acts, Domino simply replied, "I don't know. It wasn't anything in the music, so it must have been something in the audience.""

Caricature l'État islamique défait en Irak...

Caricature de Paresh Nath, The Khaleej Times, UAE

Caricature John Kelly: devoir, honneur, patrie

Caricature de Taylor Jones,

Fats Domino n'est plus

Une autre figure légendaire de l'histoire américaine de la musique qui disparaît.


"Among the early rockers, Mr. Domino was rivaled only by Elvis Presley in record sales. He dominated Billboard magazine’s pop and rhythm-and-blues charts from 1955 to 1963. Moreover, Mr. Domino’s signature piano triplets — three notes for every beat — became the basis of rock and pop ballads for the next three decades, including such diverse recordings as the Beatles’ “Oh, Darling,” Otis Redding’s “These Arms of Mine” and even Percy Faith’s “Theme From a Summer Place.”

In a music style identified with rebellion, Mr. Domino wasn’t very rebellious in his approach. Unlike Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard and any number of other flamboyant performers, he sang in a mellow voice and sported a wide grin onstage. His lone gimmick involved using his immense girth to push the piano to the front of the stage — and this he did only during his encore."

Donald Trump le nouveau Joe McCarthy? Jake Tapper au Late Show de Colbert


Chronique dans "Québec aujourd'hui" sur les ondes de BLVD 102,1: le Sénateur Jeff Flake critique férocement Donald Trump

Dans la section "Réécouter" du 25 octobre:

lundi 23 octobre 2017

Caricature Trump maltraité par les médias...

Caricature de Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune

Kelly Knight Craft nouvelle ambassadrice américaine au Canada

Un contexte bien délicat pour débuter son mandat...

 "La diplomate, qui a déjà été ambassadrice des États-Unis à l'ONU sous le gouvernement de George W. Bush, se dit heureuse d'avoir été affectée au Canada, estimant qu'il n'y avait pas de poste diplomatique plus convoité que celui-là. Elle a ajouté être privilégiée de pouvoir représenter les États-Unis auprès d'« un ami, d'un allié et d'un voisin si important ».

Il s'agit par ailleurs de la première femme à occuper le poste d'ambassadeur des États-Unis au Canada.

En tant que représentante de Donald Trump, elle aura beaucoup de travail, notamment dans le contexte difficile de la renégociation de l'ALENA et en ce qui concerne le dossier des changements climatiques."

Collaboration dans "Radio-Canada cet après-midi": Jimmy Carter, Donald Trump, David Letterman et Bill O'Reilley

Un menu particulièrement chargé dont le premier volet débute à 17h15 et le second à 17h44 sur l'audio fil du 23 octobre:

Caricature archives de JFK dévoilées bientôt: la clé du mystère?

Caricature de Dave Granlund,

Caricature Halloween 2017: une journée comme les autres?

Caricature de David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star

Caricature Donald Trump et Frederica Wilson

Caricature de Daryl Cagle,

Caricature Trump Story

Caricature d'Ed Wexler,

Caricature harcèlement sexuel et avenir...

Caricature de Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star Tribune

dimanche 22 octobre 2017

Caricature les faucons du déficit...

Caricature de John Cole, The Scranton Times-Tribune

Colonie sur la lune? Des scientifiques auraient trouvé le site parfait

Pourrait-on installer une colonie dans un tunnel sous la surface? Il semble que oui. Déjà il y a une cinquantaine d'années on avançait que de la lave aurait créé des tunnels, mais sans jamais être en mesure d'appuyer l'hypothèse par des observations. Une équipe japonaise prouve aujourd'hui l'existence des tunnels.

 "NASA’s Ronald Greeley hypothesized in 1971 that one of the great channels in the moon’s Marius Hills region might in fact be a collapsed tunnel. But he admitted that no mission had yet photographed a lunar cave entrance — and some doubted they even existed.

Half a century after Greeley’s paper was published and NASA left the moon behind, in a paper published this week, Japanese researchers say they've found proof of the tunnels no one could see.

Japan calls its Kaguya orbiter the “largest lunar mission since the Apollo program.” It was launched in 2007 with state-of-the-art instruments, deployable satellites and a mission to solve the great mysteries of the moon’s origin."

Caricature Catalogne et point de non-retour

Caricature de Patrick Chappatte, Le Temps, Switzerland

Que s'est-il passé au Niger?

La question est sur toutes les lèvres et le Secrétaire à la défense Mattis (photo) est au coeur des discussions. On parle généralement très peu des interventions américaines en Afrique, mais ce dossier changera peut-être la donne. Pour expliquer la mort de de quatre soldats américains on pointe actuellement vers une défaillance des services de renseignement.

 "On Thursday, Mohamed Bazoum, Niger’s interior minister, said that the area where the mission took place was “considered safe” and called the incident “a failure in human intelligence,” although it wasn’t clear whether he meant an American or a Nigerien failure.

“The question that needs to be answered is why the intelligence assessments were off,” offered Waltz, the former Green Beret. “Was there a leak of the route, that can come from the host nation, or from some type of intercepts, or who knows?”

“There are legitimate questions to be asked about what happened,” added Seay, the Colby College African politics specialist. “If they didn’t have the intel, why not? Was there a problem coordinating with the Nigerien partner military? Why did it take 48 hours to recover the fourth body? Those are reasonable questions to be asking.”

Caricature Donald Trump botteur de dégagement

Caricature de Matt Wuerker/POLITICO

Jimmy Carter convoite-t-il un rôle dans l'administration Trump?

L'ancien président démocrate accepterait d'intervenir en Corée du Nord si l'administration Trump le lui demandait.

 "“I’m afraid, too, of a situation,” he said. “I don’t know what they’ll do. Because they want to save their regime. And we greatly overestimate China’s influence on North Korea. Particularly to Kim Jong-un. He’s never, so far as I know, been to China.” (Who knows if he made a surreptitious trip.) Carter continued, “And they have no relationship. Kim Jong-il did go to China and was very close to them.”

He said that the “unpredictable” Kim Jong-un makes him more nervous than his father, Kim Jong-il, and that if the young leader thinks Trump will act against him, he could do something pre-emptive. “I think he’s now got advanced nuclear weaponry that can destroy the Korean Peninsula and Japan, and some of our outlying territories in the Pacific, maybe even our mainland,” Carter explained."

Caricature Puigdemont et Rajoy

Caricature de Marian Kamensky, Austria

samedi 21 octobre 2017

Cinq anciens président unis pour les victimes de l'ouragan Harvey

Ce n'est pas la première fois que des anciens présidents américains affichent une belle solidarité face à l'adversité. De Jimmy Carter à Barack Obama ils se sont tous présentés pour assister à un concert au Texas dont les bénéfices iront aux victimes. Un bel exemple d'unité.

 "All five living former US Presidents took part in a benefit concert in Texas to raise money for hurricane relief efforts, while President Donald Trump was scheduled to appear in a taped video message to the concertgoers, the White House announced Saturday. Former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter attended Saturday night's event, named "Deep From the Heart: The One America Appeal," at Reed Arena at Texas A&M University in College Station."

Caricature Espagne et Catalogne: derby de démolition?

Caricature de Kap, La Vanguardia, Spain

Donald affirme qu'il ne s'opposera pas à la divulgation des archives de JFK.

Plus tôt ce matin je relayais une information du même site selon laquelle le Président, le seul autorisé à le faire, pourrait bloquer la divulgation de certains documents liés à l'assassinant de JFK.

"President Donald Trump on Saturday said that “subject to the receipt of further information” he will release classified files related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

“Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened.” the president tweeted at 8:34 a.m."

Caricature Espagne et article 155

Caricature de Kap, La Vanguardia, Spain

Agressions sexuelles: l'épidémie américaine

Le scandale impliquant Harvey Weinstein n'ébranle pas que le divertissement à Hollywood, le milieu des affaires est sérieusement affecté. Assistera-t-on à la même déferlante au Québec?

 "The sheer number of high-profile allegations in recent days is dizzying. On Thursday alone, BuzzFeed reported the suspension of Scott Courtney, an executive vice president at the Service Employees International Union who helped lead the Fight for $15 campaign, after staffers complained about sexual abuse, harassment, and alleged that he had inappropriate relationships with subordinates. On the same day, Vox announced that it had fired Lockhart Steele, the company’s editorial director over accusations of sexual harassment. And Nickelodeon fired a showrunner, Chris Savino, amid similar accusations. VICE announced it would no longer work with the writer Sam Kriss, who has also written for The Atlantic, after a woman accused him of sexual misconduct via a Facebook post. Kriss posted a public apology soon after the accusation. Earlier this week, Roy Price, the head of Amazon studios, resigned after a producer said that Price had sexually harassed her. Three women have come forward to accuse the well-known tech blogger and author, Robert Scoble, of harassment. And just a few weeks ago Science magazine published allegations that David Marchant, an Antarctica geologist had sexually harassed several female colleagues."

Donald Trump pourrait freiner la divulgation de certaines archives de John F. Kennedy

Plus tôt cette semaine, dans une chronique et sur mon carnet web, je mentionnais que d'ici la fin de la semaine prochaine on divulguera l totalité des archives de l'administration Kennedy. Je mentionnais que seul le Président a le pouvoir empêcher la divulgation de ces renseignements secrets. il semble que Donald Trump soit sur le point de retenir certaines de ces archives, une décision à laquelle les Archives Nationales s'opposent.

 "Administration officials would not identify what specific information related to Kennedy’s murder might be kept secret on Trump’s orders, though they acknowledged concern over classified documents held at the Archives that were created decades after the assassination—specifically, in the 1990s.

The officials held out a slim possibility that the always-unpredictable Trump could decide at the last minute to release all the remaining JFK files held at the Archives—tens, if not hundreds of thousands, of pages of long-secret documents—but said it was highly unlikely, especially because of concern that documents from the 1990s might expose relatively recent American intelligence and law-enforcement operations. Some of those documents could be partially released, with some of the information blacked out, they said."

Collaboration dans "Radio-Canada cet après-midi": John McCain, George W. Bush et Barack Obama s'en prennent à Donald Trump

Nos échanges à 17h40 sur l'audio fil du 20 octobre:

Caricature couverture médiatique à l'ère de Donald Trump

Caricature de Nate Beeler, The Columbus Dispatch

Les Tours de Laliberté migrent: rejoignez-moi sur le site du Journal de Québec et du Journal de Montréal

Depuis un certain temps je me demandais comment faire évoluer mon petit carnet web. La réponse m'est parvenue par le biais d'u...